Acceptable use policy

Service use cases that are prohibited.

Last Update: 06/01/2017
Reason: Initial inclusion update

General policies

The Client and their end users shall not, nor shall they permit, enable, or assist others, to use the Services for any breach of any applicable law or generally accepted transmission or application protocols applicable to the Internet or any part of it or to anything connected to it or to any user of it. Such prohibited use includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Civil infringement of and/or criminal offences relating to copyright, trade marks or any other intellectual property right in any jurisdiction; or
  2. Commission of any criminal offence (including deliberate transmission of computer viruses) under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (UK) or any similar legislation in any country; or
  3. Knowingly or recklessly transmitting, displaying or posting to a publicly accessible service any material which is unlawful or actionably defamatory or an invasion of privacy, breach of an intellectual property right or breach of a right of publicity in any jurisdiction with which any publicly accessible service reasonably appears to have any connection or from which it may reasonably be apprehended that a publicly accessible service is likely to be significantly accessed; or
  4. Transmitting, transferring, displaying or posting to a publicly accessible service any material in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) or similar legislation in any other country or of any material which is confidential or is a trade secret or which affects the national security of the United Kingdom or the said territory or which may expose Netwise to any retribution or penalty under the laws and/or regulations and/or decrees of the United Kingdom or any other country relating to the export of or dealing with military or potentially military resources; or
  5. Use of the Services or the Internet in any manner which is a violation or infringement of any rights of any kind or nature (whether like to any of the foregoing or otherwise) of any person, firm or company; or
  6. Unauthorised access to the network management equipment of Netwise or other Internet service providers; or
  7. Forgery of Internet addresses or other fields in IP packets by the Client; or
  8. Any sending of unsolicited email messages or any mass mailing of unsolicited advertising material by the Client; or
  9. Any activity that potentially could harm the Netwise Network, its clients' networks or other networks, including but not limited to traffic flooding, malicious overflows, etc; or
  10. Any activity that Netwise decides at its absolute discretion is an unsuitable use of the Services.


The Client is responsible for:

  1. Maintaining email addresses of the forms postmaster@client.domain and abuse@client.domain for receiving complaints of network abuse activities, as suggested by Internet Official Protocol Standard RFC 2142. Typically, these email addresses will forward emails to the real user accounts of the responsible persons for treating the network misuse complaints.
  2. The activities of its customer base or end-users and, by accepting service from Netwise, is agreeing to ensure that its clients abide by this Policy. If irresponsible or illegal activity continues, even after Netwise tries to communicate with the Client, then the Client may be subject to an appropriate action in order to stop those activities.
  3. Restoring allocated IP Address reputations to 'Neutral' if the Reputation Score is damaged, reduced or black listed during the time in which they form part of your contracted Services.


All complaints related to network misuse - including email abuse - are to be sent to


IRC services or IRC-related services are permitted only if they do not connect to EFnet and/or Undernet. This includes, but is not limited to: "IRCd servers," "eggdrops," "bots," and "bouncers." The purpose of this restriction is to prevent attacks on the Netwise service due to malicious activity that has been known to occur on the IRC networks EFnet and Undernet.

Response times

The Client warrants that it will respond to any Abuse Complaints within 48 hours.